Interview with Cristian Barbu
CEO, Customline Ltd
How would you describe your cooperation with Global Wind Power?
"I met Global Wind Power at a fair in Brussels. After initial talks, we quickly arranged a visit to your head office in Thisted, Denmark. My visit there convinced me that this indeed was a company I would like to do business with. The atmosphere at the office and your very down-to-earth approach was very appealing to me, and I felt immediately that you could be trusted. As a pre-developer on the Romanian market I have specialised in developing Greenfield projects. I do not engage in either implementation or management of wind parks. I do not care too much for the involved risk, and honestly I prefer to concentrate on what my team and I do best - develop sound ready-to-build projects. I entered this business because I am fascinated by the idea that you can basically develop something from nothing. This still drives me and my company today, and we have developed a real niche and now range among the most prominent developers on the Romanian market. Your services and experience enable me to transform my projects from concept to reality and to focus on what I do best. That is of real value to me."
What do you find best about our current cooperation?
I really like the fact that you are an international company but not a very large one. This enables you to be more effective and make decisions more swiftly, something which is necessary in the development business. I appreciate the fact that you are flexible and able to come up with solutions to development obstacles - and fast. Another thing is your close relationship with Vestas. I see this cooperation as a stamp of approval of your company and your services. It sort of makes your Turnkey services more trustworthy. Obviously, there are both pros and cons to teaming up with a turbine producer like you have done, but in your case I think it works. Most importantly maybe is the fact that I feel I can trust you. I know you are not secretly trying to take over my company or simply drain away know-how which I have acquired throughout my years in the business. This is in fact a prerequisite for any developer doing business with another developer, I think. In my company, Customline, we are very preoccupied with keeping to moral standards when we do business, so we are also very critical in choosing potential partners. My opinion is that Global Wind Power as a company lives up to the ethical standards and values they have stated.
We are currently implementing a range of your past projects - what are your thoughts about this?
I am proud of the projects we have developed, and it matters to me and my team that the projects we initially developed are also implemented, energized, connected to the grid and generate value for the end-investor. When you put up our first two projects in Romania, we were there to witness the erection, and I can tell you that both my team and I were extremely proud. For me and I guess many other pre-developers, it is not simply about making profit and selling projects. Every project is special to us, and we care about if they are realized or not. To be able to follow the projects and trust that they are in fact implemented and handed over to the final investor have been important for us and still is.
Windpark: Multiple
Total MW: 44
Country: Romania
Region: Braila/Galati
Type: Vestas V90
Commissioned: 2011/12